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Inflatable Eyeball Bird Scarer

Product Code: STV960
  • Protects crops and vulnerable areas from bird damage without causing harm
  • Inflatable eyeball with reflective eyes and streamer tail
  • Wind activated movement mimics in-flight predators
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Trade Price £2.78

RSP £4.99

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Pack Size: 6
Trade price £16.68
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Inflate and hang Eyeball Bird Scarers from trees or poles to protect crops and vulnerable areas of gardens and buildings from bird damage. Rotating reflective eyes and wind movement of the streamer-tail mimic predator species and will help to frighten unwanted birds off. Eyeball Bird Scarers can be used to protect fields, orchards, ponds, boats and buildings, as well as being put to work around the garden.
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Is this suitable for use in rain and frost?
It can be used in most weather conditions; in high or strong winds it may be advisable to remove the product.

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