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Block Bait Mouse Killer Kit - Twinpack

Product Code: STV565
  • 2x refillable mouse bait stations and 5x20g Brodifacoum blocks.
  • Kills mice in one feed.
  • Tamper-resistant design
  • Translucent inspection chamber
  • Corner-fit with two-way entry.
Core Product Double-Sided Display
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Trade Price £5.55

RSP £9.99

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Pack Size: 5
Trade price £27.75
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Two tamper resistant corner-fit bait stations with clear inspection lid and single-feed rodent bait for the control of mice indoors. Ultra Power Block Bait from The Big Cheese® delivers fast and highly effective control of rodent pests using single-feed bait technology. It combines proven palatability with the necessary amount of active ingredient to deliver a lethal dose to rodents in one feed. Rodents may continue to take bait for up to 4 days. For as long as bait is being consumed, replenish the station as directed using The Big Cheese Ultra Power Block Bait².