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Mega-Sonic® Twin-Speaker Pest Repeller

Product Code: STV725
  • 2x more powerful than single speaker repellers
  • Wide angle output for whole room protection - covers an area up to 60m²
  • 1.65 metre power cable for easy positioning.
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Trade Price £22.22

RSP £39.99

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Pack Size: 3
Trade price £66.66
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The Mega-Sonic® Twin-Speaker Ultrasonic Pest Repeller from The Big Cheese® provides guaranteed control of rodent pests in living spaces and outbuildings, or your money back. Wide-angle output plus next-generation ultrasonic attack-wave technology guarantee a protected zone of over 60m² of unobstructed space. The product can be used as either a curative treatment to dispel rodents from infested areas, or as a follow-up preventative treatment after using traditional poison baits or traps. The Big Cheese Mega-Sonic Twin-Speaker Ultrasonic Pest Repeller is inaudible to humans and safe to use around cats and dogs. However, it should never be used near rodent pets such as guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits. 24/7 protection: poison-free rodent control for the home. Scientifically tested and proven.