Ready-Baited Mouse Trap - Twinpack (12pc)
Product Code: STV148CS
- Simple one-touch trap setting.
- Baited and ready to use.
- Trap clicks open for easy disposal.
- STV108: 50% more powerful than other rat traps on the market.
- Refill and re-use with STV163.
- Clipstrip contains 12 Ultra Power Mouse Traps (STV148).
Trade Price £60.00
RSP £107.88
Your Discount 10%
Your POR 39.9%
Drive off-shelf sales of impulse purchases for pick-up lines.
High impact merchandising for key and seasonal lines.
Display in-and-around store, dual locating your on-shelf products, off-shelf in high footfall areas.
Clipstrips are supplied pre-loaded with product and hanging s hook.