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Zero In Ultra Power Natural Insect Killer Bomb - 150ml One-Shot Aerosol - Twinpack

Product Code: ZER560
  • Rapid knockdown and kill of insect pests including flies, fleas and bed bugs (dispenses for 3-4 minutes)
  • Total room treatment
  • Contains natural Pyrethrins.
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Trade Price £8.33

RSP £14.99

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Pack Size: 6
Trade price £49.98
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Zero In® Ultra Power Natural Insect Killer Bomb will treat a wide range of flying and crawling insects in buildings and living spaces. Rapid knockdown and kill of flying and crawling insects. Total room treatment. No harmful residues.
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Does this leave any residue?
Leaves no harmful residue and is suitable for use in rooms with soft furnishings.

How long do I need to leave the room for?
Leave the room for 2 hours. Air room for 30 minutes on return, wipe all surfaces and hoover carpets and furnishings to remove dead insects.

What are the ingredients?
Contains Natural Pyrethrins 0.2% w/w and Hydrocarbons, C7 n-Alkanes, Isoalkanes, Cyclic.

What does w/w mean?
Weight for weight which indicates the proportion of the active substance in the product by weight.

What size room does one can treat?
This can will take approximately 60 seconds to empty and is sufficient to treat an area of up to 150m³ for flies, 40m³ for moths and fleas and 20m³ for bed bugs, cockroaches and other crawling insects.

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