Ready-Baited Ultimate Outdoor Fly Trap
Product Code: ZER540
- Giant, reusable fly trap - up to 80,000 flies.
- Includes effective fly attractant.
- Faster catch-rates using multiple entry ports.
- Attracts flies up to 10m radius.
Trade Price £7.22
RSP £12.99
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360º kill zone. Rapid catch rate guaranteed. Re-useable - up to 60,000 flies each fill. Bait included. Lasts at least 4 weeks - just add water
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Does this come with bait?
Yes it comes with super effective fly attractant.
What do I refill it with?
Refills are available: ZER546 Outdoor Trap Refill Pack.
How long does it last?
Up to 4 weeks. When monitored regularly and topped up with sufficient water, the trap may last longer.
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